Lucy Pollak Public Relations

The Outsider – Reviews

Press Telegram
A TRIUMPH OF COMEDIC TIMING AND ENSEMBLE CHEMISTRY… a timely and uproarious exploration of political absurdity… hooks you from the first scene.” — Sean McMullen,  Press Telegram

People’s World
WILDLY FUNNY… a night of timely hilarity that will teach you a whole lot more about the way politics works in this country than you ever learned in civics class… The acting and direction are split-second superb.” — Eric Gordon, People’s World

The Los Angeles Beat
HYSTERICALLY FUNNY… keenly insightful… …runs the gamut from political commentary to slapstick comedy… International City Theatre knocks it out of the park yet again with another home run… HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!” — Bryan Moore, The Los Angeles Beat

HILARIOUS… goes beyond simple comedy… what is democracy and who gets to define it?… [a] brilliant cast.” — Joe Mosqueda, Glamgical

LA Theatrix 
ROLLICKING… Through an increasingly funny farce, we see how easily we are swayed by soundbites… remind[s] us to keep our thinking caps on when voting.” — Anita W. Harris, LA Theatrix

Stage Scene LA 
WOW!… a front-runner for the year’s funniest and smartest comedic treat… that rarity among politics-based comedies, one that unites rather than divides… I can pretty much guarantee you two hours spent laughing your red, white, and blue socks off.” — Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA

Splash Magazines 
UPROARIOUS AND FRIGHTENINGLY FUNNY… a must-see… Get ready to laugh — and maybe wince a little too.” — Elaine Mura, Splash magazines

LA Excites 
AS FUNNY AS IT IS UNNERVING… no work of art has better embraced, defined, and translated the state of head-scratching affairs saturating contemporary politics… marvelous performances.” — Imaan Jalali, LA Excites