Lucy Pollak Public Relations

Design for Living – Reviews

Angeles Stage 
GALES OF LAUGHTER… consummately staged…the three leads have a terrific chemistry… plucky and droll.” — Don Shirley, Angeles Stage

Hollywood Progressive 
DELICIOUSLY DELIGHTFUL… bon mots and ripostes fly fast and furious… an uncompromising critique of heterosexual monogamous relationships as the prevailing social norm.” — Ed Rampell, Hollywood Progressive

Broadway World 
SCANDALOUS, SEXY FUN… a stylish, escapist, classic sex comedy… I find the Odyssey Theatre to be one of the most exciting places in Los Angeles.” — Amanda Callas, Broadway World

Stage Scene LA 
PROVOCATIVE… gives audiences the chance to discover a rarely revived Noël Coward gem before and the fact that it dares to ‘go there’ is a provocative plus.” — Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA