Lucy Pollak Public Relations

Going Mad – Reviews

Splash Magazines 
VIGOR, VERVE AND VITALITY… the entire crew moved as one attached to invisible strings. The passionate and energetic cast does an animated job of presenting the goofy merriment… the entire crew moved as one attached to invisible strings.” — Elaine Mura, Splash Magazines

Stage and Cinema 
ENCHANTED… 17 actors giving it their all to entertain the audience with lots of laughter.” — Shari Barrett, Stage and Cinema

HIGHLY KINETICBLEND[S] COMEDY WITH ENERGETIC MOVEMENT… Although this play features college actors, their performances and the production in general shows the level of commitment from the producers, the playwright, the director and, of course, the future thespians. It is also an example of the productive training received at the Los Angeles City College Theatre Academy, an institution preparing artists since 1929.” — Joe Mosqueda, Glamgical

Discover Hollywood 
UNIQUELY CREATIVE… moments of magic and wonder.” — Amalisha HUeck, Discover Hollywood